Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Help Protect Texas Students' Religious Liberties

The Religious Viewpoint Anti-Discrimination Act (HB 3678), has been introduced in Texas to protect children’s religious liberties in public schools. A few examples of unconstitutional censorship of school children in Texas include: Reprimands for talking about Jesus during Easter; a ban on children wishing deployed troops a “Merry Christmas;” children forbidden from using religious messages on gifts or cards including references to St. Valentine’s Day; children forbidden from bringing Christmas items to a school’s “Winter Party” despite the acknowledgment of other faiths during the season; children threatened by Superintendent that if they prayed they would be "disciplined the same as if they had cursed;" teacher trashing two Bibles belonging to students, taking the students to the principal's office and threatening to call Child Protective Services on the parents for letting their children bring Bibles to school.

HB 3678 codifies the many constitutional ways a student or groups of students may express their faith at school and at school-sponsored events and outlines what activities would land a school in constitutional hot water. The Bill outlines the extensive liberties students are guaranteed and the protection school officials receive when recognizing these liberties. If HB 3678 passes in Texas, it will become the model template for legislation in every state. The hearing on this bill is April 12, 2:00 p.m., House State Affairs Committee, Austin, Texas.

Take Action

Send an email to your state Senator and Representative today in support of HB 3678.

Click Here To Email Your Senator and Representative

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