Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Penguin Breakdown

A truck driver had to deliver five hundred penguins to the state zoo, but while driving through the desert the truck breaks down. After waiting by the side of the road for about three hours he waves a second truck down , offering the driver $500 to take the penguins to the state zoo for him.

The next day the first truck driver arrives in town and sees the second truck driver crossing the road with 500 penguins walking in single file behind him. The first truck driver jumps out of his truck and says, "What's going on? I gave you $500 to take these penguins to the zoo!"

The second truck driver replies, "I did take them to the zoo. And I had enough money left over so now we're going to see a movie."

Top Ten Silliest Questions Asked on a Cruise Ship

10. Do these steps go up or down?

9. What do you do with the beautiful ice carvings after they melt?

8. Which elevator do I take to get to the front of the ship?

7. Does the crew sleep on the ship?

6. Is this island completely surrounded by water?

5. Does the ship make its own electricity?

4. Is it salt water in the toilets?

3. What elevation are we at?

2. [To the onboard photographer who takes photos and displays them the next day]:
If the pictures aren't marked, how will I know which ones are mine?

1. What time is the Midnight Buffet being served?