Monday, June 11, 2007

Email Bankruptcy

by Pnina Baumgarten

One way to get through that excess of emails waiting for you at the beginning, middle and end of every day is to file for "email bankruptcy":
"Last month, venture capitalist Fred Wilson drew a lot of attention on the Internet when he declared a 21st century kind of bankruptcy. In a posting on his blog about technology, Wilson announced he was giving up on responding to all the e-mail piled up in his inbox.

"'I am so far behind on e-mail that I am declaring bankruptcy,' he wrote. 'If you've sent me an e-mail (and you aren't my wife, partner, or colleague), you might want to send it again. I am starting over.'

"The term 'e-mail bankruptcy' may have been coined as early as 1999..."
Link: E-Mail Reply to All: 'Leave Me Alone' -

Monday's Lame Excuse Award goes to...

"A defense attorney tried a different argument to win his convicted client a new murder trial: the attorney was too sleepy."