Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Get Energized! - The Natural Way

Do you often complain of being tired or don't seem to have enough energy to do what you need to do or what you want to do? If so, you're not alone. A lack of energy is a major problem and one of the biggest complaints doctors hear from their patients. It's a very, very encompassing subject because so many people suffer from energy problems. And not just in this country, but around the world. But there are natural treatments to help you deal with this - and they're amazing. What are some of these treatments?

The number one treatment for fatigue and for increasing your energy is ginseng. In fact, ginseng tops the list around the world - both American ginseng and also Siberian ginseng that's in the same family as the Asian ginseng but probably a little better.

Other herbs that can help boost your energy level include guarana and maté, which are extensively cultivated and used in South America; rhodiola, a not-so-common herb used in countries from Scandinavia to Siberia to Asia, but particularly in Tibet as an energy and stamina booster; and finally, cordyceps, which is a mushroom that is grown on soybean cultures and widely used in Asia. It's quite a fascinating fact that all around the world people face the same identical problem of not having enough energy to simply do the things they want or need to do.

Of course, you don't want to take just anything to boost your energy level or to drive your body to a high energy level. You also want to enable your body to use energy more efficiently. There are certain herbs, particularly guarana and maté, that have a caffeine-like compound that can help you do just that. They are called isomers and they function similar to caffeine but don't cause any of the jitteriness that caffeine can cause.

When looking to boost your energy level, don't just take something to speed your body up. You need to also make your body more efficient by helping your body utilize more oxygen. Some of the ingredients I listed here can actually help your cells take up and use oxygen more efficiently - and that's one of the real keys to increasing your energy so that you can accomplish what God has called you to do.

For more information on Dr. Cherry's ministry, visit his Web site: http://www.AbundantNutrition.com