Friday, April 6, 2007

New technology lets you read your voice mail

"We've all gotten those long voice mail messages from a friend, relative, business associate--or in this reporter's case a PR person pitching a story idea--that seem to drag on forever. New companies, such as Simulscribe, SpinVox and now Callwave, are emerging to provide a fix for busy people who don't want to listen to long messages anymore." Read more...

Getting Things Done' In 60 Seconds

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By Mike Elgan

If you're like most educated technical types, you've heard of David Allen's 'Getting Things Done' (GTD) productivity concepts, but don't use them.

And I think I know why: 1) you're too busy to study a whole book on productivity; 2) it might not work for you anyway; and 3) deep down you really don't want to change how you work.

Am I right?

I'll make a deal with you. I'll spend the next 60 seconds telling you how to radically boost your productivity. In exchange, you have to promise to buy the book 'Getting Things Done,' if it works for you. I'm not here to steal from David Allen, but to introduce him to you. The concepts below were inspired by GTD, and might be considered blaspheme by GTD fundamentalists -- they're what I started doing after I read two of his books, and they work for me.

Here goes:

Why We Home School

A Toronto school principal who pleaded guilty to throwing human excrement at a 12-year-old boy may get her job back, officials said on Tuesday.

Close To Home

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