Sunday, July 1, 2007

Paris Hilton gets snuffed by MSNBC anchor

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski refuses to talk about Paris Hilton as a "Lead Story" on the Morning Joe show.

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Billboard Wars

Checkout this Real Billboard in Mumbai — First there was Jet Airways, then Kingfisher responded to Jet Airways by putting up their own Billboard and then it was GoAir which responded to both.

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Church Signs

Aborted Takeoff

The 794-hour private pilot made an uneventful emergency landing on a public highway following a loss of engine power due to fuel starvation. Several attempts were made by the pilot to have the aircraft placed on a flatbed trailer and recovered to a suitable airport; however, the width of the trailer available for recovery was too narrow to accommodate the airplane's main landing gear. After several failed attempts to recover the airplane by ground, the pilot elected to fill the fuel tanks with 15 gallons of fuel and, in coordination with local law enforcement, attempt to takeoff from the private highway.