Thursday, March 29, 2007

Microsoft releases "Deepfish" browser for Windows Mobile

Sean Cooper - Engadget
Nothing, and we mean nothing, can distract us from sleep like a new and cool bit of software and a bit of spare time late in the evening. Microsoft's Live Labs threw down an interesting take on mobile browsing today with a technology preview of their new mobile browsing interface, Deepfish. The Deepfish gimmick is the ability to see an entire web page on your Windows Mobile screen and then zoom in on the bits that you want to read, click, and the like. The software takes a screenshot of the webpage and uses it as a map; the rub here is that because of this approach, no dynamic content is supported. The controls are dead simple: hit the joystick on your Windows Mobile device to bring up a small gray focus window, move it where you like, hit it once more and bam! Zoomed. Poking the joystick again displays an arrow to tackle the clickable elements on the page and fill in forms. A fun first effort, and only Microsoft knows where it may end up, so hit the link to download a copy, but hustle, the preview is of the limited variety.