Thursday, January 11, 2007

Senate Tired of Your E-mails, Phone Calls; Expected to Pass Bill that Will Keep You from Getting Needed Information

From Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

Contact Your Two Senators Today!

Without a doubt, this could be the most important letter I have written you.

The U.S. Senate is poised to pass Senate Bill 1 (section 220), which would effectively keep AFA and every other pro-family organization in America from providing you information on bills in Congress. Under Senate Bill 1 (Section 220), we would only be able to provide you information on a bill at a high cost and at great danger of being penalized by Congress. Click here for AFA's review of S1 (Section 220).

To put it bluntly, members of Congress are tired of getting your e-mails and phone calls, and Senate Bill 1(Section 220) is designed to keep information from you that might inspire you to call or write your senator.

The new Democratic Senate thinks that if it can keep you from getting information—which is what Senate Bill 1 (Section 220) would do—then it will not be getting e-mails and phone calls from you.

Senators favoring this bill are simply tired of hearing from you. That is the bottom line. They don’t want to hear from you. They don’t want you to be informed. They want to silence you. How? By simply keeping you from receiving information that AFA provides.

I know that language is strong, but Senate Bill 1 (Section 220) will do exactly what I’ve said.

Take Action

  • Enter your zip code above or below to create and send an e-mail to your two senators today.
  • Call your two senators at 202-224-3121. (Simply ask for one senator. Then call the other one at the same number. Ask your senators to vote against Senate Bill 1 (Section 220).
  • Please forward this to your friends and family. It is vitally important that they know what members of the Senate are trying to do.
  • Print this information, and share it with members in your Sunday School class and church and urge them to send an e-mail and call.

Thanks for caring enough to get involved. If you think our efforts are worthy, would you consider making a donation to help us continue? Click here to make your donation.


Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

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