Wednesday, January 17, 2007

IKEA - Commerical Tries to Rewrite American Values

One Million

Many of you have written about the IKEA furniture commercial. Although IKEA is not a nationally known company, they are growing, with stores in most major U.S. cities. IKEA is a Sweden-based retail furniture company and they are trying to force their liberal worldview on Americans through television.

Their latest U.S.-aired commercial features a homosexual male couple and young female child on the floor, resting up against each other, as they lean on the front of their couch. The voiceover poses the question: 'Why shouldn't sofas come in flavors, just like families?'

This is just one of many pro-homosexual ads IKEA airs around the world.

Please let IKEA know that the promotion of homosexual couples as a 'family' is offensive and undermines American values.

Send Your Letter Now!"

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